With 10+ years in IT, ZacXo LLC offers services to streamline IT strategy creating, information security assurance and system integration, ensure smooth and effective digital transformation and improve digital customer experience. Our approach is to focus on the client’s strategy and long-term goals, so we skip the noise of fleeting trends and equip the business with reliable and agile technology to achieve enduring outcomes.

IT strategy consulting

With almost three decades in IT business, we know that it’s a daunting task to devise and implement a concise IT strategy aligned with business goals. We are happy to share our experience to support you in technology roadmapping and exploring most efficient ways to use available resources and technology trends.

We can develop a new technology agenda or adjust the existing one to a changing business strategy, for example:

If you have little time for IT strategic planning, feel uncertain about new initiatives or are still in two minds about choosing most profitable directions of IT development, we are here to accompany you in IT strategy development and execution to help your business scale to a new level of market competitiveness and get the most from your investments. .

Digital transformation

With the right choice of business-supporting technologies, we help enterprises go beyond automating traditional methods and processes and explore new ways to boost business and even transform business models. We operate in various domains including healthcare, retail, banking, telecoms, manufacturing and more and carefully gather experience in delivering reliable IT solutions with the focus on industry specifics. We are ready to join your IT journey regardless of your digital maturity level and help choose most profitable technology innovations to leverage your business and improve the experience of your employees and customers.

Digital customer experience consulting

The success of any business (be it an ambitious startup or a highly experienced business shark) directly correlates with customers satisfaction. IT solutions can give an answer to the tricky question: what makes a business customer-focused and profitable at the same time:

We help businesses get equipped with best solutions to catch up with changing customer tastes and win the battle for customers:

We show how to speak the same digital language as your customers and support them across various channels.

System integration

Modern business environment generates the need to use different IT solutions for different purposes to ensure effective work of an enterprise. In this respect, system integration is a vital point to consider, whether you are planning to add new functionality to the IT solutions already in use, or implement new software.

It’s essential that your employees need to collaborate to work effectively - the same is expected from the IT solutions you are using. With an integrated system made of synchronized components, you get an opportunity to increase business efficiency and reduce maintenance costs. Our consultants are ready to help you find a quick and less painful way to system integration, identify milestones and mitigate risks.

We don’t stop at fixing current state of affairs, we look into the future and stand for the integration leaving space for flexibility (in case you need to introduce IT-related changes as your business grows).

Custom software

When the vision goes out of the box, packaged products can fail to meet the need of the business. Powered by 29 years in IT, ZacXo’s teams of BA’s, QA’s, designers, engineers and other experts are ready to analyze the idea top to bottom and make the product come true. We draft a software requirements specification, advise clients on the development approach and kickstart the project sticking to time and budget limits. And after our customer is happy with the result, we support the project with customization and maintenance options

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable.

Information security

For more than 10 years, ZacXo’s security team is on the guard of sensitive business data. We help our customers to enable identity and access management, identify vulnerabilities in the network, check the environment against APTs, ransomware and other threats, as well as to ensure compliance with industry-specific security standards.

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable.